#wishnews - "I wish it was in the news!" this is way to tag a news story that you hope to read soon (tag a byline in the near future!) This is a way to suggest potential futures to a broad public and invite them to meet you there. Please share and share alike!

An example from 2015 during a water rights dispute:

Concerned citizens of Penobscot County stand in solidarity with Penobscot Nation at Orono Town Council #wishnews #future news

Orono, Maine, March 16

Ghostbook Matt McEntee

Concerned Citizen

Orono Town Council on Monday was packed, standing room only, with concerned citizens who stood in solidarity with the Penobscot Tribe. The issue of Orono's role in a lawsuit to further reduce Indian rights to the river was scheduled on the agenda for 5:30 PM. Discussion of the issue began precisely at 5:30 PM and proceeded in a civil and well informed manner. Promptly all parties agreed it would be best for the town of Orono to withdraw it's support for the court case against the Penobscot (after all Orono was named after a Penobscot chief - Look him up! - One time he said his people would help some guys from a place called 'Massachusetts' fight off some alleged jerk with a crown on the other side of the ocean….) 

After the meeting it was not yet known that (although this is the future it is not yet the future beyond 3/16/15) similar creative actions, carried out by many concerned and coordinated citizens would lead further reduction of support for the case against the Penobscot. Ultimately the case is dropped, saving many, many dollars (some of which would have been taxpayer dollars) that would have otherwise burned up in lengthy and unethical lawsuit. Hence forth and IN PERPETUITY (as was already once guaranteed to them by the U.S) the Penobscot retain their right to fish and steward the cleanliness of a river that bears their name, where they have lived sustainably since before Europeans realized the world was not flat. 

As the article somehow stumbles further into the future and a wider context thing get much, much better. (I can't even begin guess what the proper tense for this is  #wishnews needs a codex…). Fallout from the whole Penobscot lawsuit kerfluffle sparks better cross cultural relations and understanding. Cross pollination of best practice for cultural existence gives rise to new social modes, integrating beneficial traits of all. Dichotomies such as high-tech/primitive, progressive/antiquated, global/local, art/life etc. dissolve, liberating peoples thinking and engagement. The tool box (or toy box, you pick) is blown wide open for building our best world. 

In a wildly unanticipated inversion of the expected…. Instead of reading the article, feeling mild amusement and moving on to the next article or assorted media experience, readers put down their reading and turn off devices (don't worry, our devices don't seem to be going away any time soon) and take a quick reflective stroll through their world - literally or figuratively, reader's choice. All the while on their quick sojourn readers drift through pleasant daydreams of better dwelling and relations in the world. Half way through a particularly good musing readers realize that their dream is not so far from feasible. One manageable goal is selected towards the cause (small or big, readers choice, option 'big' recommended) and achieved. Fueled by success readers rinse and repeat, yielding growth and empowerment (+ less mild amusement/clicking, more time reflecting/doing). Mass inspiration sets off self-propelling chain reactions of critically informed, creative, and carefully crafted, engagement… A more just, ecologically close and ultimately happy world emerges in real life and all readers (you too!) get to live there.

*At least that’s what I wish I could see in the news, but it’s not up to me. Its up to you.*

Thanks for reading!


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