Economic Proposals

Some things I think about


what if instead of trash we saw money on the ground?

For any product containing plastic there is a deposit based on mass and type of plastic contained. The deposit is collected at the point of sale. Post consumer plastics can be returned throuhg a global network of participating depots for a partial refund of the deposit. The remainder of the money funds center operations as well as proper safe disposal of collected plastics that have no/low market value. Collected plastics with salvage value are sold to sold to support the program.

-monetary incentive for cleanup

-monetary incentive for producers/consumers to be judicious with plastic in products

-shifts hidden disposal cost to point of transaction

- communicates plastics issues through pricing 

In the US, a number of states operate similar systems for bevarage containers. Artist groups have leveraged such systems to improve recycling; check out this cool social art project by Eating in Public


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meat licenses 

You should care about what you eat

In order to purchase meat, one must obtain a license. Licensing includes physical intimate participation in slaughter and cleaning of animals. The license grants one the right to purchase meat/animal products of the type and mass of animal slaughtered. 

For instance, if one assists in the slaughter of a cow, this entitles them to purchase quantities of leather, steak, hamburg etc. commensurate with that of one average cow.