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The Make/Fix Anything Project is a simple offer with a broad scope: we will help you make or fix nearly anything (free!).

Since 2013 we have helped with a broad range of makes/fixes spanning bicycles to broken hearts (cardiologic and otherwise).

People have fantastic abilities as learning, creative engines and The Make Fix Anything Project is about exploring these potentialities together. We believe the skills of making and repair are essential to ethical global citizenry. Moreover we see these activities as soul craft. Whether fixing a zipper or sending something to the moon, as makers and fixers we  participate in a fundamental act of humanity. 

Will will not do the work for you (where's the learning in that?). We will put the tools in your hands.

What do you want to Make/Fix?

For information on upcoming sessions and locations
see  https://www.facebook.com/makefixanything/